The Body Corporate committee have recently been involved in two energy related issues. An information paper advises the key detail and how these issues may affect your energy bills. See Aurora Tower Newsletter Embedded Network Manager for more information.

  1. The Aurora Tower Body Corporate has an agreement with Origin Energy to provide bulk electricity until 31 December 2017. A new agreement will apply with the same provider from 1 January 2018.
  2. A very competitive rate will apply for the next four years. However, there will be a 20% increase from 1 January 2018 and then the rate will reduce in each of the following three years. Even with the increase, the Aurora rate is still some 50% cheaper than market providers such as AGL, Alina etc.
  3. The Utility Billing will be provided by a new company Energy Resources Corporation (ERC) from 1 December 2017 instead of Ernst Body Corporate Management. This change was necessary because of new rules set by the Australian Electricity Regulator and the Body Corporate being forced to change to a different service provider.
  4. The Aurora Tower Body Corporate committee strongly believes that the new arrangements are a very satisfactory outcome in the light of recent electricity price increases and continued uncertainty in future years.

ERC have a customer service team available Monday to Friday 0830 -1630 to assist with any Account set up or Account queries you may have. Contact details are phone 07 54378188 or .

If you have any questions about the issues addressed in this document please feel free to email the committee:

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